Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Hollidays and stuff

It's been a while since my last post. Life tends to get busy at times and it's hard to find some time to sit at do the things that we like to do as a distraction to the norm.

New son, wife, work, book writing and the holidays have stepped up to the fore front for the time being....

With that said... I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Chaunika, Kuwanza, Yule, (insert your prefered holliday greeting) and a safe and Happy New Year. For my Russian friends Happy early Christmas because I know yours isn't for a few weeks.

I'll be back in full swing after the New Year so stay tuned, stay safe and stay happy!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Labor update

Well... laber started witha splash and ended quite quickly. We now have a son! 7lbs 2oz 20 1/2 inches long. All are doing great!! 7 1/2 hrs of labor... and 3 pushes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Starting Labor

Does anyone know of anyways to start labor? Any hints or tips to get things going? My wife is 2cm dialated... and nothing is happening. Any ideas???

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Richard C. Hoagland and NASA Part 2

Mr. Hoagland are you that arrogant and self-involved that you think that Mr. Hale of NASA selected that song and that message to signal you that you are on the right track? Mr. Hale, and I have this on a very reliable source, had no hidden agenda, message or meaning behind that music selection.

You have this unbelievable ego that has you so above everyone else. You THINK you have all the answers and you don’t. I could probably go through every mission and pull every single wake up song and you would find a hidden meaning behind it.

Are you forgetting the unbelievable feats these astronauts perform on a daily basis? Do you have any clue at all of the skill and training they go through to accomplish their mission? And you still sit there and think the entire mission is political. Every word that is said, every eye blink, every wave of an arm is a political message.

You are a sad man. These people put their lives on the line every day they are in space. From those on ISS to those on the shuttle to those in training. They didn’t get drafted they volunteered. Further to sit there and think that people in NASA because of political reasons would sacrifice the lives of these people you are truly sick.

Has your diluted mind strayed so far from reality that you really think that this mission is purely political? I have no doubt that there have been times that decisions have been made because of political reasons. Any time you have the government involved it will happen… it happens every day in congress with bills that should only cost a few million but are inflated to billions because of pet projects.

If you looked at funding for NASA you will probably find the same thing. Sure Congress gives them say $20 billion but the real cost is more in the $80 billion. The problems are not NASA. The problems are Congress and the Administration.

Back to the real point… what right do you have to sit there and slam on an organization like NASA? Sure we have freedom of speech in this country so yes you can. But to take the stand that things are being said and done to send a message to YOU is simply ludicrous and egotistical.

Can someone please let the air out of his head?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Richard C. Hoagland and NASA

Ok ... First he complains that NASA doesn't release information. Now he is complaining that they did release information and are being completely UPFRONT about what is going on with the Shuttle! Man you wouldn't be happy if the Aliens came and landed in your front yard, knocked on your front door and said "Hi! We are the ones you have been talking about and here are all the truths of the Universe!" He would probably find fault in even them!

Hoagland you really need to get a life.

Every mission that is flown into space, with or with out people, is done knowing that something can fail. We have been going into space for less than 50 years. What the hell do you expect? 50 YEARS!!!! Yes we have made some very impressive advancements in aerospace and orbital flight but really it’s in its infancy. This has been an amazing feat in it self that we even made it to space. Does everyone know that the shuttle fleet is aging and won’t last much longer? YES WE DO! Funding or not they are old spacecraft.

Mr. Hoagland… the car you drive is how old? And the car before that was how old? We change cars and they wear out far sooner than any one of the shuttles have. Everyone knows they are old and the tragedy two and half years ago kind of brought things closer to the public eye and NASA’s for that matter. You make it sound like they want people to die just so they can retire the shuttle fleet. Man you are sick.

They know the craft are old. They know better than anyone that there are problems with them because of age. I’m sure there isn’t a person at NASA that would like nothing more than to retire the fleet and have new birds to send up. The problem hasn’t been NASA. The problem has been CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT! Do you think that maybe if say 20 years ago they said “Ok NASA. The shuttle won’t last forever. Here is money go spend it on development of new birds,” that we wouldn’t be facing this now?

Let’s put blame where blame is due.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Richard C. Hoagland

Mr. Hoagland is a self purported 'expert' on all things not Earth related. He has a supposed gaggle of scientist friends that are also all knowing. I will give him this much - a few theories are reasonable assumptions that still require actual testing and proof but are feasible. 99% however of his theories are pure bunk. He bases his theories on the SAME scientific material that EVERY OTHER SCIENTIST takes apart, extrapolates, reassembles, modifies to fit a model and throws outs bits and pieces that do not fit his particular theory. Scientists admit that there is a lot they don't know and understand and in a large part are just really guesses. Why do you think they have the Chaos Theory? Why do you think they have Dark Matter? How in the world do they know what the UNIVERSE should weigh? They created Dark Matter to fit a theory someone had.

A theory by definition is -- An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

Or in layman's terms - A guess.

The problem though is that the theories are based on theories that are based on theories. They have been referenced for so long by so many people that they have been converted into FACT with no real, honest to god evidence, proof or experimentation that the theory is correct. Astronomy is 90% theory because there is no way to PROVE the theories. We can't just get in a ship and fly to the star we are studying. We can't just fly to the new planet that is supposedly discovered. The only way to prove anything is to observe and test. So they are best guesses.

Sure we have very sophisticated equipment that gives us a lot of information that is factual but the proof is in going there to test and experiment. Astronomers will admit that spectral readings do produce anomalous readings. HELLO!!!!! We base our spectral analysis on elements and things on THIS planet. Problem is that scientists think that the elements on this planet are all that is out there in the Universe. They disregard the anomalies and just go with what they know. The anomalies may actually be something important that could change how we view the Universe and other planets. Instead they are just rejected and considered a glitch or artifact.

Hmmm… kind of like thinking that the Earth is the center of the Universe or that humans are the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

Back to Mr. Hoagland – His big thing now is that Deep Impact information and photos hasn’t been released and that NASA and the government is hiding something that is “Earth Shaking”. Conspiracy theorist. I agree the info and pictures should be placed for public view but I don’t think there is anything sinister about it. ESA is very slow at releasing data as well on their projects. I don’t see him hounding them. All he is looking for is the press and to make something of nothing. Hmmm… kind of like his theory on a moon that isn’t a moon. Kind of like his theory on inter-dimensional travel and hurricanes that are actually inter-dimensional vortexes.

More on Hoagland to come….

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Dark Chirp

What…hey… where… What happened? Where am I? Why can’t I see?

Thoughts not feelings running through his head. All he senses is darkness. No feeling, no movement only darkness and confusion. The last thing he remembers is leaving the house this morning to go fishing... now only darkness.

“What’s that?” goes through his mind as he hears a noise. His hearing the only thing that seems to be working. No feeling in his body at all. Nothing. Unable to move, unable to see, he tries to yell out but nothing. No movement at all.

“Where am I? Why can’t I move or speak?” Only darkness around him, his mind races as he hears a sound like a chirp in the darkness. “What’s that? Help me!!” Nothing escapes from his mouth. His mind struggles to get his body to move but nothing happens. He tries to concentrate on his fingers and getting them to move but nothing happens. He realizes that he can’t even tell if his fingers are there or not. All he knows is he can hear and there is nothing but darkness. He tries to calm his mind and think back to what may have happened. Struggle as he may all he can remember is leaving the house this morning. He got in his truck and pulled away that is that last he remembers.

He pauses and listens trying to figure out where he is. Utter and complete silence. No wind, no noise of any kind. “What was the chirp I heard?” he thought to himself. He concentrates on the dark silence listening for any noise to figure out what is going on. Chirp… “There it is again… wait it’s in a different place… I think!” Chirp… “Again!! It’s not a cricket. It’s not a water drip…”

His thoughts go back to earlier in the day. “What happened to me? I got in my truck and pulled out of the driveway. That is the last thing I remember. What happened? Why can’t I remember? Was I in a car accident? Did it happen at the lake? WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER!” He tries again to take inventory of his body and any sensations. He can feel nothing. He can’t feel his feet, legs, arms, hands, fingers, nothing not even his head. He can hear and that is it. He can hear himself breath but other than that nothing.

Chirp…chirp. “There it is again! What is it? God help me! What is it?” He tries to relax himself and let his mind calm down. He thinks back to the day before and the time he had spent with his kids. How he hoped he would see them again. Chirp…he tries to ignore the chirp trying to stay calm. “Someone will find me. I know they will.” He remembers playing with his son and daughter in the yard yesterday. Chasing them and playing tag, running through the sprinklers and the cook out. What a happy day that was.

Chirp… “What is that? What is making that chirp noise?” Chirp. “That was in a different place I know it was. There are two of them!” He listens intently to the darkness for any noise other than the chirps. Something is there but what? Is it an insect? Reptile?

He concentrates and stares into the darkness. At least he thinks he is staring. He can’t feel his eyes or eyelids so he doesn’t know for sure. He listens intently trying to pick out any sound he can to give him answers. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just utter silence and darkness so black. He tries to calm his mind again and just listen. For several minutes no thoughts going through his mind as he just listens to the blackness. He begins to wonder how long he has been here already. He knows he left the house in the morning but now he has no idea when he ended up where he is…where ever that may be.

Chirp. “That was closer or at least louder. Is it getting closer? What is it? Where am I?” Chirp…Chirp. “There are two of them and one seems closer than the other. They are moving but what are they?” His mind races with all the possibilities. Was he in a car accident on his way to the lake? The road twists and turns through the hills. Did he run of the road and end up in a ditch? If so then why isn’t there any light? Even if the truck rolled over and it was night out there would be some light there is a full moon. He should see something. He should hear the leaves in the trees or even the water or crickets. He can’t be along the road. “God where am I?” He tries to think if there were any holes near where he fished. Maybe he fell in a sinkhole? No not possible. He knows it’s all hard rock where he is. He tries to think of anyplace that he could have gotten himself that would be this dark and quiet. There has to be an answer he just needs to find it.

Chirp…….…Chirp…Chirp “Three? No wait two. One of what ever they are chirped twice or did it?” He listens for any kind of noise but there is none other than his breathing. “HELP!!” he screams in his mind concentrating trying to get the words to come out of his mouth – nothing but silence. “What is going on? WHY is this happening? Where am I? What are those things? WHY ME!”

He continues to try and recall what happened. His memory is blank. What is more perplexing is that he feels nothing. He doesn’t even feel himself breath only hears it. His only perception is sound. What could have happened that he wouldn’t feel anything at all? Why can he only hear? Questions and more questions build in his head but no answers. Chirp…Chirp………Chirp… Chirp… Chirp “There! Three of them! What are they? They don’t sound like frogs or insects. Bat’s don’t chirp.” He exists in silence trying all he can to sense something, anything to tell him where he is. He concentrates hard trying to feel other parts of his body. Nothing.

His mind is devoid of questions for hours or so it seems to him. Time has no reference. He has only darkness and silence except for the occasional chirp from his mysterious company in the dark. Thoughts begin to come back to his mind, thoughts of his family and his life before today. CHIRP “That was closer. When did it move? Why couldn’t I hear it?” He strains his concentration to see what is around him but the darkness never gives in or waivers. “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I feel anything?” CHIRP… “That was closer…Are they getting closer? They must be but what are they?” CHIRP. CHIRP. CHIRP. CHIRP. “They are right here next to me. Four of them what ever them are.” After what must be hours already he tries to calm his fears and thoughts.

He tries to focus on his body again. He concentrates on his fingers. Can he feel them? Can he move them? Nothing. He slowly concentrates on different parts of his body to try and “feel” them. No feeling, no movement, nothing. Just like the black nothing that surrounds him.

His mind wakes from where ever it had gone. “What? Huh? Oh here… still here. Was I sleeping?” He listens to the darkness. CHIRP… CHIRP… Chirp… Chirp “Four. There are four. Well at least there aren’t more. Wait! What the? My toes. I can feel my toes. Yeah! My feet too.” He realizes that he can feel more of his body. He tries to get something to move but nothing does. He can at least feel so things are looking up. He tries to relax and take inventory of his body again. He notices after a few minutes that he can feel more of his body. Still he can’t move anything. He begins to feel his fingers and hands. Next his arms and shoulders and neck. “Why do I not feel any pain? I have feeling in my body but no pain? What happened to me?” He waits patiently hoping he will feel more of his body and his sight will return.

CHIRP… Chirp… Crunch, Crunch. “That’s different. What is that?” He listens to the crunching noise. CHIRP… CRUNCH, CRUNCH. “That was right next to me! What is going on?” He realizes that he is beginning to see blurry images. “My eyes!” He listens to the crunching and continuing chirps. He realizes he is not in total darkness but dim light. He focuses…. “AHHHHHH! NO!” As his vision becomes clear he can see the strange creatures he had been hearing - two of them eating his legs and one on each arm. “NO!!!!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENEING!!!!”

His vision begins to fade his mind screaming in fear… then silence.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Drama Queens

Here is one:

Women for whatever reason have this innate desire for drama. If life is quiet and good they find a reason to make drama. Bitch and complain, send emails, letters or just spout off just to make waves and create drama. Problem with your ex? They will make sure there is drama. If things are quiet why can’t they stay that way?

Ok so you don’t have an ex? She will find a way to make drama.. “What you don’t like me anymore? Would rather have that blond that is walking down the street wouldn’t you?” You sit there and say to yourself “What blond? I haven’t been out of the house in 3 days.” Then you say to her “What blond?” and then all hell breaks loose about some blond she saw on the street on her way over to see you and you are clueless.

Or how about the “we never talk”? Yeah because if we say something they take it out of context and then it becomes a blow up. Then 6 months down the road on another drama blow up they quote you word for word about the conversation from 6 months ago and you have no clue! You have a hard time remembering what you said 5 minutes ago.

Drama… Why do you think they say Drama QUEEN and not KING?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Comet and weapons

How about that train wreck? Pretty impressive! Millions of miles away moving and 10's of thousands of miles and hour hitting a moving target. Not bad if you ask me. Even with the optical problems they had discovered long before getting there the pictures weren't bad. Now here is a question... If we can hit a comet MILLIONS of miles away... don't you think it is resonable to think that we have the ability, currently in space, to strike another satilite or even a target on the ground?

You are fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The life and times of...Man

...the average man are fret with danger. From back stabbing co-workers to girlfriends and wives to children and strangers on the street. The average man has to make decisions on a whim that in some cases can mean life or death.

Does he take that co-work's word as truth or does he question it? Both having their own risks from being successful or falling on your face and getting your tail in a ringer.

Does he make that dash through the yellow light or slam on the breaks to stop in time? Again both having risks from not getting a ticket from a cop that is right there to getting t-boned. All to make sure he is ontime for work or the date.

How about that choice of answering the significant other on the new outfit? Does he say they look great or does he say it doesn't look great? Again the risk of being right that they look good in it and everyone else does too or saying they don't look good to be faced with the relentless remarks of he thinks they are over weight, don't like the clothes or the dreaded "I'm not going then becasue I have nothing to wear that looks good...maybe I'll just wear the burlap sack in the garage" And the other risk of saying they look good just to find out that other people think they look like crap - then he was just saying what they wanted to hear and not the truth.

How about the choice to do what he wants to do for himself like sit at the computer or work in the yard or in the garage? If he chooses to do that he has the risk of being called selfish and not wanting to spend time with the other half or the family. But by not getting the time he wants for himself he is loosing himself and his individuality.

Truth of the matter is the average man doesn't know if he is comming or going. He wants to be helpful and supportive. He wants to do the right thing and doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings. He wants to go to work, do his job and bring home a paycheck. He wants to spend time with his family and not worry about how clothes look or going to garage sales or even to the grocery store. It's not being lazy it's just doing what he wants to do. It's the man having a chance to be himself and follow his interests. It's the man being a man and getting that self time that others seem to get but he does not.

Don't blame a man for wanting those things. He's a man, always was and always will be. Without slamming men - they are simple creatures and un-complicated. They are always there to help and will do what ever it takes to get things done. But give them a chance to be a man and let them have thier own time and own interests and he will be there when you need him.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Nurses - an observation

I might take some heat about this but I made an observation the other night at the local hospital.

Nurses and Aides in hospitals have a very demanding job. They deal with patients day in and day out from giving them baths and showers to putting them on bed pans. They take patients for walks and at times transport them from place to place. They change the beds, give meds, serve food and do a lot of physical things with them. The list of things they do goes on and on.

So then answer me this... Why is it that a large majority of the Nurse and Aide population in a hospital are over weight?

Wouldn't you think that with the amount of walking and physical activity that they go through day after day that they would be fit and trim? What is it that causes a large percentage to be over weight?

My wife works in the hospital and I know the things that they do on their floor. I know they are on their feet pretty much all shift and in some cases they pull 16 hour shifts and just keep going. With so much physical activity you would think that they would not be large women and men. For some reason though they are. Is it the hospital food they eat? I know the ones that work with my wife order out or bring their own so it can't be that. Even so the physical activity would certainly burn the calories that they take in. There are those that are lazy and do sit around a lot but the majority are on their feet and moving all the time. So what is it?

I would love to have some input on this.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Do you wish that we show up?

Ran across this. Maybe it will help...

>ET to Earth: Do You Wish That We Show UP?
>Friday, October 31, 2003 12:13:20 PM
>MWM: This long letter to humanity appeared with no apparent
>return address. It is being posted here and there.
>This is another internet piece for which I cannot assess the validity.
>All I *can* say is that it sounds like a good idea, is coherent, and is
>written skillfully at a level of intelligence and maturity I would
>associate with a serious, non-technical, matter-of-fact level of
>discourse. It is not culturally loaded and the writer has a very good
>understanding of language and human psychology, though there are a
>few moments where the grammar is different from what we are
>accustomed to and there are a couple of language errors.
>Most importantly, it makes no reference to impossible constructs,
>faux-tech, nor any type of religious or New Age buzzwords. This is as
>clean a straight-shooting letter as you will find. Accordingly I am
>sending it to you to "vet" it and see what our Phoenix Five brain trust
>surmises about it. I am also sending it to you because it might be real.
>The main assertion in the letter is that human civilization is now in
>an uncontrollable free-fall implosion which cannot be "fixed" from
>within existing social systems. The implosion is causing -- will cause --
>a major rupture in all human orders. There is a dark road down
>toward the use of technology to rapidly enslave human populations
>in a badly degraded and unhealthy environment. Those who are
>defining this path, many of them unintentionally, have the greater
>advantage of power over resources and may gain the upper hand
>during the coming rupture.
>There are many who would take a liberating path. They could gain the
>upper hand if they *understand the choice* and can lose their fear,
>sense of isolation, and ignorance about the true state of affairs. The
>main proposition in the letter is that the mass appearance of "ET" in
>the skies now could help humanity clear away the veils of illusion
>and deceits, help settle many existential issues and dilemmas, and
>provide an "attractor" to help pull positive mentalities out of the
>social death-vortex and enable them to refocus the next stage in
>evolution. The main question in the letter is whether you want ET to
>thus show up.
>ET suggests that direct contact and some cultural assistance would
>provide the means to overcome the major blocks in human social and
>cultural evolution. ET argues that the mental/emotional ground
>needs to be prepared for such contact. Consent and expectation for
>such contact needs to be created around the world, lest humans react
>en masse with fear and become manipulated by reactive power elites.
>ET suggests that a focused telepathic answer from each reader will be
>sufficient to assist ET in reaching a conclusion about what it should or
>should not do. Even as the internet is achieving universal penetration
>during this time, ET requests that this letter, its first mass
>communication, be universally translated and transmitted
>throughout the world. ET also suggests that this should be done
>people-to-people, bypassing the mass media.
>Here is the letter. Here it is unaltered by me. Decide for yourself.
>Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and
>should remain anonymous in your mind. It is what you will do with
>this message which matters.
>Each one of you wishes to exercise her/his free will and experience
>happiness. These are attributes that were shown to us and to which we
>now have access. Your free will depends upon the knowledge you
>have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that
>you give and receive. Like all conscious races at this stage of progress,
>you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression makes you sure
>of your destiny. Yet you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a
>minority is aware of. It is not our responsibility to modify your future
>without your choosing it. Consider this message as a worldwide
>referendum. And your answer as a ballot.
>Who are we?
>Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speak
>unanimously about the unexplained celestial events [aerial
>phenonema?] that mankind has witnessed for thousands of years. To
>know the truth, one must face it without the filter of one´s beliefs,
>however respectable they may be.
>A growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploring
>new knowledge paths and are getting very close to reality. Today your
>civilisation is flooded with an ocean of information of which only a
>tiny part, the less upsetting one, is notably diffused [publicized or
>broadcast]. What in your history seemed ridiculous or improbable has
>often become possible, then realised, in particular in the last fifty years.
>Be aware that the future will be even more surprising. You will
>discover the worst as well as the best. Like billions of others in this
>galaxy, we are conscious creatures that some name "extra-terrestrials",
>even though reality is subtler.
>There is no fundamental difference between you and us, save for the
>experience of certain stages of evolution. As in any other organised
>structure, hierarchy exists in our internal relationships. Ours is based
>upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this
>hierarchy that we turn to you. Like most of you, we are in the quest of
>the Supreme Being [Beingness?]. Therefore we are not gods or lesser
>gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood. Physically,
>we are somewhat different from you but most of us are humanoid-
>Our existence is a reality but the majority of you does not perceive it
>yet. We are not mere observations, we are consciences
>[consciousnesses?] just like you. You fail to apprehend us because we
>remain invisible to your senses and measuring instruments most of
>the time.
>We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history. We made
>this collective decision but this is not enough. We need yours.
>Through this message, you become the decision-makers. You
>personally. We have no human representative on Earth who could
>guide your decision.
>Why aren´t we visible?
>At certain stages of evolution, cosmic "humanities" discover new
>forms of science beyond the apparent control of matter. Structured
>dematerialisation and materialisation are among them. This is what
>your humanity has reached in a few laboratories, in close
>collaboration with other "extra-terrestrial" creatures at the cost of
>hazardous compromises that remain purposedly hidden from you by
>some of your representatives. Apart from the aerial or space objects or
>phenomena known about by your scientific community, that you call
>UFOs, there are essentially multidimensional manufactured
>spaceships that apply these capacities. Many human beings have been
>in visual, auditory, tactile or psychic contact with such ships, some of
>which are under occult [presumably meaning "negative" in this
>context] powers that "govern" you.
>The scarcity of your observations is due to the outstanding advantages
>provided by the dematerialised state of these ships. By not witnessing
>them by yourself, you cannot believe in their existence. We fully
>understand this. The majority of these observations are made on an
>individual basis so as to touch the soul and not to modify any
>organised system. This is deliberate from the races that surround you
>but for very different reasons and results.
>For negative multidimensional beings that play a part in the exercise
>of power in the shadow of human oligarchy, discretion is motivated
>by their will to keep their existence and seizure [activities that seize
>humanity's will?] unknown. For us, discretion is motivated by the
>respect of the human free will that people can exercise to manage their
>own affairs so that they can reach technical and spiritual maturity on
>their own.
>Humankind´s entrance into the family of galactic civilisations is
>greatly expected. We can appear in broad daylight and help you attain
>this union. We haven´t done it so far, as too few of you have
>genuinely desired it, because of ignorance, indifference or fear, and
>because the [degree of] emergency of the situation did not justify it.
>Many of those who study our appearances count the lights in the
>night without lighting the way. Often they think in terms of objects
>when it is all about conscious beings.
>Who are you ?
>You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time have
>been mutually enriched by each others´ contributions. The same
>applies to the races at the surface of the Earth. [Presumably this alludes
>to contributions from ET races as well as the interactions among the
>races and cultures of Earth itself.] Your goal is to unite in the respect of
>these roots to accomplish a common project. The appearance of your
>cultures seems to keep you separated because you substitute it for your
>deeper being. Shape [form] is now more important than the essence of
>your subtle nature. For the powers in place, this prevalence
>[predominance?] of shape constitutes the ramparts against any form of
>jeopardy [to their negative agenda]. You are being called on to
>overcome shape [the compelling nature of appearance] while still
>respecting it for its richness and beauty. Understanding the conscience
>of shape makes us love men in their diversity.
>Peace does not mean not making war, it consists in becoming what
>you are in reality: a Fraternity. To understand this, the number of
>solutions within your reach are decreasing. [The number of options
>for recognizing this is decreasing.] One of them consists in contact
>with another race that would reflect the image of what you are in
>reality. [i.e. embodied consciousness.]
>What is your situation?
>Except for rare occasions, our interventions always had very little
>incidence [impact] on your capacity to make collective and individual
>decisions about your own future. This is motivated by our knowledge
>of your deep psychological mechanisms. We reached the conclusion
>that freedom is built every day as a being becomes aware of itself and
>of its environment, getting progressively rid of constraints and
>inertias, whatever they may be. Despite the numerous, brave and
>willing human consciences, those inertias are artificially maintained
>for the profit of a growing centralising [increasingly consolidated]
>power. Until recently, mankind lived in satisfying control of its
>decisions. But it is losing more and more control of its own fate
>because of the growing use of advanced technologies, whose lethal
>consequences on the earthly and human ecosystems become [are
>becoming] irreversible.
>You are slowly but surely losing your extraordinary capacity to make
>life desirable. Your resilience will artificially decrease, independently
>of your own will. Technologies exist that affect your body as well as
>your mind. Such plans are on their way. This can change as long as
>you keep this creative power in you, even if it cohabits with the dark
>intentions of your potential lords. This is the reason why we remain
>invisible. This individual power is doomed to vanish should a
>collective reaction of great magnitude not happen. The period to come
>is that of rupture, whichever it may be. [i.e., a discontinuity, whether
>for good or ill.]
>But should you wait for the last moment to find solutions? Should
>you anticipate or undergo pain? Your history has never ceased to be
>marked by encounters between peoples who had to discover one
>another in conditions that were often conflictual. Conquests almost
>always happened to the detriment of others. Earth has now become a
>village where everyone knows everyone else but still conflicts persist
>and threats of all kinds get worse in duration and intensity. Although
>a Human being as an individual has many potential capacities, he or
>she cannot exercise them with dignity.
>This is the case for the biggest majority of you for reasons that are
>essentially geopolitical. There are several billion of you. The education
>of your children and your living conditions, as well as the conditions
>of numerous animals and much plant life are nevertheles s under the
>thumb of a small number of your political, financial, military and
>religious representatives. Your thoughts and beliefs are modelled after
>partisan interests to turn you into slaves while at the same time
>giving you the feeling that you are in total control of your destiny,
>which in essence is the reality.
>But there is a long way between a wish and a fact when the true rules
>of the game at hand are unknown. This time, you are not the
>conqueror. Biasing [the] information [you receive] is a millenary
>strategy for human beings. Inducting [inducing] thoughts, emotions or
>organisms that do not belong to you via ad hoc technologies is an
>even older a strategy. Wonderful opportunities for progress stand
>close to big subdual [i.e., the subduing of those opportunities] and
>destruction threats.
>These dangers and opportunities exist now. However, you can only
>perceive what is being shown to you. The end of natural resources is
>programmed [by their inherent natural limits], whereas no long-term
>collective project [for developing alternative resources] has been
>launched. Ecosystem exhaustion mechanisms have exceeded
>irreversible limits. The scarcity of resources and their unfair
>distribution - resources whose entry price will rise day after day - will
>bring about fratricidal fights on a large scale, even at the very heart of
>your cities and countrysides.
>Hatred grows bigger but so does love. That is what keeps you confident
>in your ability to find solutions. But the critical mass is insufficient
>and sabotage work is cleverly being carried out. Human behaviours,
>formed from past habits and trainings, have such an inertia that this
>perspective leads you to a dead end. You entrust these problems to
>representatives, whose conscience of common well-being slowly fades
>away before corporatist interests. They are always debating on the form
>but rarely on the content. Just at the moment of action, delays will
>accumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose.
>This is the reason why, more than ever in your history, your decisions
>of today will directly and significantly impact your survival
>What event could radically modify this inertia that is typical of any
>civilisation? Where will a collective and unifying awareness come
>from, that will stop this blind rushing ahead? Tribes, populations and
>human nations have always encountered and interacted with one
>another. Faced with the threats weighing upon the human family, it is
>perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred. A great roller wave is
>on the verge of emerging. It mixes very positive but also very negative
>Who are the "third party"?
>There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another
>civilisation: via its standing representatives or directly with
>individuals without distinction. The first way entails fights of
>interests, the second way brings awareness. The first way was chosen
>by a group of races motivated by keeping mankind in slavery, thereby
>controlling Earth resources, the gene pool and human emotional
>energy. The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with the
>cause of the Spirit of service. We have, at our end, subscribed to this
>disinterested [service-oriented] cause and introduced ourselves a few
>years ago to representatives of the human power who refused our
>outstretched hand on the pretext of incompatible interests with their
>strategic vision. That is why today individuals are to make this choice
>by themselves without any representative interfering. What we
>proposed in the past to those whom we believed were in a capacity to
>contribute to your happiness, we propose now -- to you.
>Most of you ignore that non-human creatures took part in the exercise
>of those centralising powers without them being either suspected or
>accessible to your senses. This is so true that they have almost very
>subtly taken control. They do not necessarily stand on your material
>plane, and that is precisely what could make them extremely efficient
>and frightening in the near future.
>However, be aware that a large number of your representatives are
>fighting this danger. Be aware that not all abductions are made against
>It is difficult to recognize the truth. How could you, under such
>conditions, exercise your free will when it is so much manipulated?
>What are you really free of?
>Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step toward
>the harmony with civilisations other than yours. That is precisely
>what those who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at
>all cost because, by dividing, they reign. They also reign over those
>who govern you. Their strength comes from their capacity to instill
>mistrust and fear into you. This considerably harms your very cosmic
>This message would be of no interest if these manipulators´ tutorate
>did not reach its peak and if their misleading and murderous plans
>did not materialise in a few years from now. Their deadlines are close
>and mankind will undergo unprecedented torments for the next ten
>cycles. [Years? Centuries? Millennia?...] To defend yourselves against
>this aggression that bears no face, you need at least to have enough
>information that leads to the solution. As is also the case with
>humans, resistance exists amongst those dominant races. Here again,
>appearance will not be enough to tell the dominator from the ally. At
>your current state of psychism [psycho-emotional development?], it is
>extremely difficult for you to distinguish between them. In addition to
>your intuition, training will be necessary when the time has come.
>Being aware of the priceless value of free will, we are inviting you to
>an alternative.
>What can we offer ?
>We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of life,
>constructive interactions, the experience of fair and fraternal
>relationships, liberating technical knowledge, eradiction of suffering,
>controlled exercise of individual powers, access to new forms of
>energy and, finally, a better comprehension of consciousness.
>We cannot help you to overcome your individual and collective fears,
>to bring you laws that you would not have chosen, or to work on your
>own selves and make the individual and collective effort to build the
>world you desire, the spirit of quest to new skies.
>What would we receive?
>Should you decide that such a contact take place, we would rejoice
>over the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of the
>universe, fruitful diplomatic exchanges, and the intense Joy of
>knowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of.
>The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy is
>What is the question we ask you?
>How can you answer this question? [i.e., by what means can you be
>sure of the right answer?] The truth of soul can be read by telepathy.
>You only need to clearly ask yourself this question and give your
>answer as clearly, on your own or in a group, as you wish. Being in the
>heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does not impact the
>efficiency of your answer, YES or NO, IMMEDIATELY AFTER
>ASKING THE QUESTION! Just do it as if you were speaking to
>yourself but thinking about the message. This is a universal question
>and these mere few words, put in their context, have a powerful
>meaning. You should not let hesitation get in the way.
>This is why you should calmly think about it, in all conscience. In
>order to perfectly associate your answer with the question, it is
>recommended that you answer right after another reading of this
>message. Do not rush to answer. Breathe and let all the power of your
>own free will penetrate you. Be proud of what you are! The problems
>that you may have weaken you. Forget about them for a few minutes
>to be yourselves. Feel the force that springs up in you. You are in
>control of yourselves!
>[As I read it, they're saying "prepare yourself, think about it, take a
>breath, be yourself, re-read this message, then ask the question and
>take what comes, without filtering or intellectualizing."]
>A single thought, a single answer can drastically change your near
>future, in one way as in another. Your individual decision of asking
>in your inner self that we show up on your material plane and in
>broad daylight is precious and essential to us. Even though you can
>choose the way that best suits you, rituals are essentially useless. A
>sincere request made with your heart and your own will will always
>be perceived by those of us whom it is sent to. In your own private
>polling booth of your secret will, you will determine the future.
>What is the lever effect ?
>This decision should be made by the greatest number among you,
>even though it might seem like a minority. It is recommended to
>spread this message, in all envisageable fashions, in as many
>languages as possible, to those around you, whether or not they seem
>receptive to this new vision of the future.
>Do it using in a humorous tone or derision [a little tactical skepticism,
>perhaps?] if that can help you. You can even openly and publicly make
>fun of it if it makes you feel more comfortable but do not be
>indifferent for at least you will have exercised your free will. Forget
>about the false prophets and the beliefs that have been transmitted to
>you about us. This request is one of the most intimate that can be
>asked to you. Making a decision by yourself, as an individual, is your
>right as well as your responsibility! Passivity only leads to the absence
>of freedom. Similarly, indecision is never efficient. If you really want
>to cling to your beliefs, which is something that we understand, then
>say "no" [to our request]. If you do not know what to choose, do not
>say "yes" because of mere curiosity.
>This is not a show. This is real daily life, WE ARE ALIVE. And living.
>Your history has plenty of episodes in which determined men and
>women were able to influence the thread of events in spite of their
>small number. Just as a small number is enough to take temporal
>power on Earth and influence the future of the majority, a small
>number of you can radically change your fate as an answer to the
>impotence in face of so much inertia and hurdles! You can ease the
>mankind´s birth to Brotherhood. One of your thinkers once said:
>"Give me a hand-hold and I´ll raise the Earth". Spreading this
>message will then be the hand-hold to strengthen, we will be the light-
>years long lever, and you will be the craftsmen to raise the Earth as a
>consequence of our appearance.
>What would be the consequences of a positive decision?
>For us, the immediate consequence of a collective favourable decision
>would be the materialisation of many ships, in your sky and on Earth.
>For you, the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of many
>certitudes and beliefs. A simple conclusive visual contact would have
>huge repercussions on your future. Much knowledge would be
>modified forever. The organisation of your societies would be deeply
>upheaved for ever, in all fields of activity. Power would become
>individual because you would see for yourself that we are living.
>Concretely, you would change the scale of your values. The most
>important thing for us is that humankind would form a single family
>in front of this "unknown" we would represent! Danger would slowly
>melt away from your homes because you would indirectly force the
>undesirable ones, those we name the "third party", to show up and
>vanish. You would all bear the same name and share the same roots:
>Later on, peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible if
>such is your wish. For now, he who is hungry cannot smile, he who is
>fearful cannot welcome us. We are sad to see men, women and
>children suffering to such a degree in their flesh and in their hearts
>when they bear such an inner light. This light can be your future. Our
>relationships could be progressive. Several stages of several years or
>decades would occur: demonstrative appearance of our ships, physical
>appearance beside human beings, collaboration in your technical and
>spiritual evolution, discovery of parts of the galaxy.
>Every time, new choices would be offered to you. You would then
>decide by yourself to cross new stages if you think it necessary to your
>external and inner well-being. No interference would be decided upon
>unilaterally. We would leave as soon as you would collectively wish
>that we do. Depending upon the speed to spread the message across
>the world, several weeks, or even several months will be necessary
>before our "great appearance", if such is the decision made by the
>majority of those who will have used their capacity to choose, and if
>this message receives the necessary support. The main difference
>between your daily prayers to entities of a strictly spiritual nature and
>your current decision is extremely simple: we are technically equipped
>to materialise.
>Why such a historical dilemma?
>We know that "foreigners" are considered as enemies as long as they
>embody the "unknown". In a first stage, the emotion that our
>appearance will generate will strengthen your relationships on a
>worldwide scale.
>How could you know whether our arrival is the consequence of your
>collective choice? For the simple reason that we would have
>otherwise been already there for a long time at your level of existence.
>If we are not there yet, it is because you have not made such a decision
>explicitly. Some among you might think that we would make you
>believe in a deliberate choice of yours so as to legitimate our arrival,
>though this would not be true. What interest would we have in
>openly offering you what you haven't got access to yet, for the benefit
>of the greatest number of you?
>How could you be certain that this is not yet another subtle
>manoeuvre of the "third party" to better enslave you? Because one
>always more efficiently fights something that is identified than the
>contrary. [i.e., if we reveal ourselves explicitly we are more vulnerable
>to being fought.] Isn´t the terrorism that corrodes you a blatant
>example? Whatever [In any case], you are the sole judge in your own
>heart and soul! Whatever your choice, it would be respectable and
>In the absence of human representatives who could potentially seduce
>you into error, you ignore everything about us as well as about those
>who manipulate you without your consent. [This is a bit convoluted
>but I think the intended meaning is clear: As long as we ETs remain
>invisible and human "representatives" (manipulators) pointedly
>ignore our presence, you will tend not to notice us.]
>In your situation, the precationary principle that consists in not trying
>to discover us, no longer prevails because you are already in the
>Pandora´s box that the "third party" has created around you.
>Whatever your decision may be you will have to get out of it [i.e., the
>box]. In the face of such a dilemma, one ignorance against another,
>you need to ask your intuition. Do you want to see us with your own
>eyes , or simply believe what your thinkers say? That is the real
>question. After thousands of years, one day this choice becomes
>inevitable: choosing between two unknowns.
>Why spread such a message among yourselves?
>Translate and spread this message widely. This action will affect your
>future in an irreversible and historical way at the scale of milleniums,
>otherwise, it will postpone a new opportunity to choose by at least one
>generation, if it can survive at all. Not to choose stands for
>undergoing other people´s choice. Not informing others stands for
>running the risk of obtaining a result that is contrary to one´s
>expectations. Remaining indifferent means giving up one´s free will.
>It is all about your future. It is all about your evolution.
>It is possible that this invitation does not receive your collective assent
>and that, because of a lack of information, it will be disregarded.
>Nevertheless no individual desire goes unheeded in the universe.
>Imagine our arrival tomorrow. Thousands of ships. A unique cultural
>shock in today´s mankind´s history. It will then be too late to regret
>about not making a choice and spreading the message because this
>discovery will be irreversible. We do insist that you do not rush into
>it, but do think about it. And decide. The big media will not be
>necessarily interested in spreading this message. It is therefore your
>task, as an anonymous yet an extraordinary thinking and loving
>being, to transmit it.
>You are still the architects of your own fate.

Friday, May 20, 2005

hmmm.. the little things

There once was a man from Nantucket who had a.... wait.. can't do that here.

Life is interesting don't you think? It's funny how little things that happen you don't put much weight in them just to find out that those little things have a big impact on people. Some say it may be karma or fate or a grand design or maybe just coincidence.

Take for example a man back in the early days of this country is heading out west on his horse. He gets hungry and pulls out an apple as he makes his way across the rolling hills and open country. He gets done eating that apple and just tosses it aside. Several years later a small family is making their way through the Great West and having planned poorly are out of food. The young children are crying from hunger. They happen along this apple tree in the middle of nowhere. Seeing it as a blessing they pick as many apples as they need. Once getting their fill and loading some on their wagon they move on. Several more years go by and a man making his way into the West sees this small grove of apple trees. He picks a few and heads over the rise to see a very large stand of apple trees. Taking a minute and being a cunning businessman stakes ownership of that land and all the apple trees that are there. Over the years the man becomes rich from selling his apples, cider and other apple products to the hoards of people coming to the west to settle. Generations later the same company now sells apple juice and apples to people worldwide.

See it's the little things you do that count. Not the big blow out things or grandiose presents or the big things that you do wrong. It's the little things. A simple act of eating an apple and tossing the core aside can save a families life or even start a grand company. Do you think the man on the horse had any idea how his little action would have such a big impact?

People in general don’t take the time anymore to look or think about how what they do can impact others around them whether they know those people or not. What you do today can affect people you don’t even know for generations in the future.

The Governments of the world need to step back and think about that. Instead of thinking about “How am I going to get re-elected next term?” “What groups do I need to woo to get the votes I need?” “What pork project do I need to throw into a war bill so I can get funding for a project in my home town?” and took the time and said “How is this going to impact people today and what are the consequences for tomorrow?” “How is this going to impact the lives of people I don’t even know?” “What if I stepped up and said something to that other official to see if he would start thinking about the people he didn’t know?” What do think might happen? Certainly government would fall to pieces. It might change to be something that we are not accustomed to sure but do you think it would be for the better? What if they stopped thinking about their retirement, the 3 houses in 3 different states, the yacht, the private jet and all the other perks? What if they honestly and truly thought about the people that put them there and got back to thinking about the little things they could do to help the people?

Kinda makes you go.. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Phoebe -- See I told you

See I told you it wasn't an original Saturn Moon!!!! (see earlier post - Wednesday May 4,2005 Saturn Revisited)

"Cassini is showing us that Phoebe is quite different from Saturn's other icy satellites, not just in its orbit but in the relative proportions of rock and ice. It resembles Pluto in this regard much more than it does the other Saturnian satellites," said Dr. Jonathan Lunine, Cassini interdisciplinary scientist from the University of Arizona, Tucson. (Cassini-Huygens website)

Keep in mind they are saying it is Pluto like and indications are that it may be from the Kuiper Belt region.

See.. even this arm chair scientist knew that it wasn't orginally supposed to be there and I pointed it out before the scientists did!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Domesday Asteroids

I’m sure you have all heard about the Asteroid that, when announced, had a very good chance of hitting the Earth? Later scientists recanted and said that further study shows that the asteroid’s chances of hitting the Earth are greatly diminished. Now I have to call into question the accuracy of those measurements and calculations. Any of you that hike and use a compass know that if you are off even an 8th of a degree over a long distance of say a mile or so you will be WAY off from your target. All the computations done on the orbits of these objects and the Earth are based on mathematics, physics and supposition. Now mathematics is very clear and concise – for the most part. But physics tend to be not quite so precise (i.e. chaos). When you have to create a theorem or something that has no basis or substantiation to try and “fill in the gaps” to make your theory viable then I have to really question its validity.

Now taking that into account there are some theories and “facts” that truly are based on supposition and best guess. How fast is the Earth really moving in its orbit? Who’s to say that at certain points it doesn’t speed up slightly or slow down? Now how fast is that asteroid actually moving? Have you ever looked at a car in the distance that is coming at you? How fast is it going really? How about an airplane flying overhead? You can make educated guesses based on some known facts but it would be a best guess without having instruments on the plane telling you.

Recently we found that the Voyager spacecraft were not traveling as far as one might think. There is an unseen force that was affecting them. We also recently found out that the solar wind has an impact on larger bodies in space.

SO… How certain can we be that that asteroid won’t impact the Earth in 2029? Going back to the earlier analogy of the compass that is over a mile. How accurate is the path known being that it is MILLIONS of miles away? Being off in a calculation or best guess by even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent could put that asteroid on our doorstep and we wouldn’t be the wiser until it was too late. Not too long ago an asteroid passed the earth within 26 THOUSAND miles. That is not a large margin of safety.

The asteroid of 2029 can still be a factor. We know there are many, many, many smaller asteroids floating around out there and even big ones we haven’t detected yet. What happens if one of them collides with 2029? Won’t that change the orbit of the asteroid? Even a small impact can be enough to nudge the asteroid in the right direction putting it on collision course that may not be noticeable until it is too late. What about when it passes the Earth? The effect of gravity, disruption of solar winds and other things can influence the orbit of that asteroid. So it doesn’t strike the Earth in 2029… What happens a down the road? Don’t you think the orbital influence might change the orbit enough that it can be an issue later on?

Many things are best guess in this type of science. When there are potential collisions no mater how small the chance they need to be watched and reported constantly. Who knows … maybe July 4th when Deep Impact hits the comet we will be in for a bigger show than we expect.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Saturn Revisited

I was perusing a few photos on the internet and ran across some spectacular images of Saturn’s moon Phoebe. What struck me was the absolute clarity of the photos and the detail that can be seen. As I was looking at them I saw some things that were very odd.

The moon ISN’T round! It’s oblong in shape almost with a bulge on one side. How could a moon be shaped in such a way naturally? We all know that no matter how cratered a body is a moon is supposed to be round! There are very large and deep “craters” on this moon. By their position it’s obvious that they were the “exhaust” ports for some great driving engines to move the “moon”. There is a large chunk of the moon missing as well which some could say is why the moon is shaped as it is but even if you put the missing chunk back the moon is still oblong. (Take a look at Iapetus - very similar features)

Then I noticed in a series of photos that there are places on this “moon” that are virtually devoid of any craters at all! How could a “moon” that shows so many impact craters have places where there are none at all? How is it possible? Then as I looked closer at these devoid areas I saw them – ruined structures that could in no way be naturally occurring. They had to be made by someone or some being. Smack dab in the middle of the plains there they stood brilliant and shining. Structures also built on the floor of some of the craters on the fringe of this area had structures too! In some instances they are grouped together like a small city! How could these get here? How is it possible?

Then I dug deeper. Analyzing data that is readily available on the internet I found other oddities. Surface analysis shows water frost on the surface. How can this be? In order to support the frost on the surface there has to be an atmosphere otherwise the water frost will sublimate into space. Much like on Mars the atmosphere is thin enough that water will not remain on the surface as ice or liquid because it is sublimated into space. So one of two things has to be happening on the “moon.” Either there is a constant supply of water being pushed to the surface or the moon actually has an atmosphere that keeps the water frost on the surface.

Further analysis shows that there are unknown minerals or substances on the surface. How can this be? Through years and years of study we know what elements are out there and can look at the composition of virtually any body in space using a variety of tools from spectrographic studies, radio waves, infrared, lasers and a host of other things. We know there is Ferrous Iron, water frost and carbon dioxide. What? Carbon Dioxide AND water? How? There has to be life in some form on that moon or had been. Is it possible that in the depths of the moon there is still living beings? Or maybe the carbon dioxide is left over fuel or material that was used by the beings that brought it here. But this still doesn’t explain the unidentified material on the surface. How did they get there or better yet what are those materials?

The answer – Phoebe isn’t a moon. It was a habitat that was created by another race to travel to this small solar system. This race was escaping a catastrophe and they created this moon or modified a small body from their solar system and moved what they could of their race to this habitat. Then they targeted our solar system and launched it here. Over millennia they finally reached this solar system and found Mars. They left the “moon” in Saturn’s orbit and boarded ships bound for Mars. Once there their civilization thrived and over a few millennia Mars’ ecosystem began to fail due to a cataclysmic collision with the planet. Ironically enough the very “moon” that they road into the solar system with was struck and fractured. Part of the moon stayed in orbit around Saturn and the other found its way to Mars impacting on the planet. Once again the race was made to leave their home world and they moved on to Earth. Leaving technology behind they lived simple lives communing with nature and living off of what was around them.

Look at the pictures of Phoebe. It is quite evident what is going on there. Why isn’t any f this in the mainstream media? Why isn’t this investigated further? Why aren’t more studies being done to find out what the unidentified material is? Look at the pictures. The facts are there in plain sight. Check these links.

Admetus “crater” – engine port (very similar to the one on Iapetus)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Identity and the Terrorist

There has been a lot of noise out there recently about identity theft and Homeland Security. The most recent bill that has been going through Congress is that of requiring more ID to get a Driver’s License. For those of you that aren’t aware they want the Motor Vehicle departments to require Social Security card, Birth Certificate, a recent piece of mail with name and address on it and a photo ID.

Honestly I don’t know which is more absurd –

That you need to have a photo ID

1) To get a photo ID you need to show proof of whom you are which in NY could mean any of 40 other pieces of identification that are point based.

2) I have a photo ID from where I work. Will that work?

The bill was attached to another bill for funding the war in Iraq.

HEELLLLOOOO!?!?!?!?! Let’s address one absurdity at a time.

Photo ID – If there is already a program in place to verify who we are when we get a Driver’s License or any other photo ID then WHY in the world would we need to require a photo ID to get a photo ID? If anything maybe require more information as to proof of whom you are? Many people in this country do not have a photo ID of any kind including a driver’s license. If I didn’t have my license the only photo ID I have is from my place of employment. Would they accept that? That brings in the question of what constitutes a valid photo ID? My work ID could very easily be duplicated. Pretty much any ID from an employer could be duplicated. What about Veterans ID cards for the VA? Those could be duplicated easily as well. So what sense is there in having a photo ID to get a photo ID? I believe every state in this country has in place a way to get a non-driver’s photo ID. By presenting specific information they determine the person is who they say they are. Like I said earlier in NY there are some 40 pieces of information you could provide in any combination as long as you meet certain point criteria. Even to get a new Driver’s License with no photo ID there are specific things they need to see. Now if the process is already in place and it works then why try to change it? However in either case a number of the things on the list could easily be faked like utility bills, birth certificates, Social Security cards, and a host of other things. Maybe people should be finger printed at birth and that put in a database and that is how identity is proven. But if the current process is working and you are concerned about people faking ID’s and passports and a number of other things that terrorists might use then maybe the ID it self needs to change to eliminate the possibility of being faked.

The Congress – Here is a PRIME example of how screwed up Congress can be. You sit there and complain about the fact that the cost of the war in Iraq is in the billions and probably trillions and then you go and attach a bill that is going to cost another $500 million at least. Not to mention – HOW IS GETTING A DRIVER’S LICENSE ANYWHERE NEAR RELATED TO IRAQ? Talk about PORK! If Congress would actually work a full day and 7 days a week and didn’t try to maneuver this congressman or that congressman into voting and would actually look and vote on each bill WITHOUT all the other things that are added on they would probably find that things would be much more productive and the government would run so much better. Not to mention budgets would probably be better as well.

Do people in this country even realize what is attached to any one bill in Congress? I will bet that if you took a look at any bill passed in Congress (which by the way will probably consist of about 20 volumes each volume being about 18 inches thick) and took out everything but what the original bill was the cost of that original bill would be a 10th of what was passed. I’ll bet if you looked at the spending bill for Iraq you will find there are things in there like money that is spent to repair a road in some county in one of the states or maybe a few counties in different states. You will probably find money that is tagged for stupid environmental things like setting up a preserve for a certain species of earthworm or some other absurd thing like that.

If you really want to do something about security and the whole issue of who is who and from where why doesn’t the government just have chips placed inside us at the time of birth? You walk up, they scan the chip and they have the information they need. Get the other governments involved and every human being on the planet would be tagged. Put information on the chip such as date of birth, location of birth, parent’s names and their places of birth and dates, blood type, genetic information and of course an ID number. Now there will be no question as to who is who. Say the person changes countries. Say someone from Ireland changes their citizenship to the US. Simple – replace the chip. The chips though would have to be hard coded. No soft EPROM or anything like that. It would have to be hard coded in the chip. Otherwise it would be very easy for some hacker to change the programming and identity on the chip. Then in order for you to change any information on the chip it would have to be surgically removed and replaced. I think they should be so deeply imbedded in the body that they should be almost impossible to get out.

Better yet, why don’t we come up with a chip that is coded with the information and genetic information and tie that to nano technology that is in the bloodstream so that once the chip and nano bodies are in the body they can’t be changed or separated or the person will “expire”. This would keep people from changing identities, countries of citizenship and a host of other things.

BUT – and there is always a but -- then we have the other side. Big Brother. How much information and identification should Big Brother have? If every human on the planet were to be implanted with the ID tag then wouldn’t it be easy for Big Brother to set up monitoring all over the planet to constantly scan those chips and know exactly where any one individual is at any given time? Wouldn’t they be able to know when you went to the bathroom or had sex with your significant other? How much is too much? Then we also have the Civil Liberties groups that would most certainly be opposed to that.

The government has a big job and yes so do people. We all want security and to be safe but we also don’t want to give up our rights and privacy. Somewhere there is a middle ground that has to be found. I don’t have the answer and I don’t think any one man has the answer. There has to be give and take on both sides and people have to talk to their representatives and let them know.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Evolution Vs Creation

Hmmm.. where to start on this one...

I’m not a very religious person meaning I don't attend church or read the bible on a daily basis, although I have had several in depth conversations about the validity of Religion and similarities and differences between various religious groups, I am by no means an expert.

Here is how I look at religion and God. The bible tells us that we are not to worship idols or false gods. Then I ask this… Why in almost every Christian religion do we always see the cross with Jesus on it? Some say it is a reminder of what Jesus did for us. Ok then why is that quite often we see people praying to the cross or bowing before it? Why is there such a big deal about Mary? Isn’t Mary, for all intents and purpose, worshiped? How about praying to and worshiping various saints in the Catholic religion? Isn’t that against what the bible says? Why is it that we have to be told how to worship God and Jesus? Why do we have to be corralled into buildings sprouting crosses and dieses with a big old cross above it to listen to supposed “experts” that tell us how to find God and Jesus?

HELLO!!!!!! First off the bible was written by Man, which means it can by nature contain errors as Man is not perfect. I can hear it now – “God breathed the word into “Man” who put it to paper.” What?!?!? If God is so benevolent and powerful – after all he created the heavens and the earth and all the creatures and life on the planet, helped Moses part the Red Sea, made a bush burst into flames – Don’t you think he could have wrote it himself on paper and had it appear before the disciples? He supposedly had already done these other things and kept “speaking through” his followers don’t you think that if he really wanted to get his point across and didn’t want misinterpretation of his word he would have handed it to us and said “Here ya go! These are the rules this is why these things are. Follow them or be damned to hell.” Would make it much simpler don’t you think? Why rely on Man to foul up what he was trying to get across?

What about the Bible? The Bible today is NOT the original word of whomever. It is convoluted, changed, watered down and made to fit the various “Leaders” through time. Why do you think we have the King James version --- and I stress VERSION. Each King through time has been pretty much like most Christians in the world. They pick and choose what parts they want to follow and even take things out of context to suit their needs. The original writings that make up the Bible were stored away in clay pots to rot away. Those that have been found show that what is in the bible is not what the original documents said. What’s even sadder is that the Vatican continues to perpetuate the lie of what today’s bible says.

Frankly I look at it like this. How I look at God is between me and him (it, her, they). How I worship and communicate with God, if I choose to, is between us. I know the difference between right and wrong and how to live a good life that will supposedly get me to heaven if it really exists. I don’t need anyone to sit there and tell me this, that or the other thing of what I need to do.

Now lets bring up Evolution and I will tie everything together at the end.

Evolution supports the idea that species change based on environment, food supplies, competition, and a variety of other things. The controversy between Evolution and Creation is moot!! Evolution is a theory put out by a wanna-be scientist that had no real facts to support his claims. His theory is that animals will change based on the environment and things in their environment to support survival of the fittest. The problem with this is that any species that were to make these kinds of changes would have to make them at the genetic level and it would be traits that would be passed and show up in the offspring for thousands of years. What do you think it takes to make those kinds of changes? Do you think some bird sat there and said “Self… I want to have baby chicks with Susie over there and Jim over there has a red feather under his wing so this year I am going to have 4 under mine!” COME ON!!!! Get with the program. Do you really think a species can by shear will power change their GENETIC code to change themselves so they are more appealing or better equipped?

Evolution DOES NOT mean we came from the primordial ooze. Coming from primordial ooze is based on a convoluted version of evolution. For everything to come from the great Ooze is ludicrous. Look at the supposed tree of life and tell me how every plant, animal, bacteria and every other living thing could come from one source. Instant life they say.. all the elements in just the right proportion are hit by electric current and WHAM you have life… Yah RIGHT!

It comes down to this… Evolution vs. Creation… The Jury is still out. There is no proof on either side to conclusively say one or the other is correct. Does God exist? I believe there is the possibility of his existence. Did we come from the Great Ooze? I believe there is the possibility that we may have. Did we come from Aliens that were experimenting with creatures on this planet or they seeded the planet? I believe there is the possibility that it could have happened.

Like I said … The jury is still out. There is a lot that mankind does not know and understand and as such we ought not try to pretend we do. There are new discoveries in science and religion every day. New pieces of papyrus are being deciphered by scientists that shed light on the Bible and its writings. The world is ever changing and our quest for knowledge and understanding is never ending. Will there be an answer one day? Sure I think there will be. When? Who knows…. Depends on Science and God.

Friday, April 29, 2005

What's out there ... Saturn

What is all this crap about a moon that isn't really a moon? GIVE ME A BREAK!

Iapetus -- the strange little moon of Saturn that has this massive ridge going around the moon. Well some think it goes ALL the way around the moon. They also think the moon isn't round and actually has sides like it was a structure made by other beings. They say it actually has straight sides and is kind of like a geodesic dome. They say that some "calamity" caused the "empty" interior to collapse partially which is why the moon has the shape that it does and has that ridge. They say that the ridge was actually a seam of two halves or just part of the whole sub-structure. They say the straight edges and the material that it is made of was designed specifically to "hide" it from radar like stealth technology does for airplanes. They say it orbits on a different plane because someone put it there.

HEEELLLLOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! It's a freaking moon! It orbits Saturn on a different plane than the rest of the moons – BIG DEAL! It was probably something that was passing through the solar system and happened to get caught by Saturn’s gravity. Most likely it is or was made mostly of loose boulders of ice and dirt much like a number of other moons and there was an impact that caused the ridge. Just look at the moon and you see a number of large craters. Just to put a little perspective on impact forces --- Look what the comet did on Jupiter!!! On top of that with the "strange" orbit look at the plane of the planets. We have planets that don't orbit in the same plane. Jupiter has moons that are not in the same plane. Any planet that has more than one moon you can pretty much see they are not on the same plane. Look at comets.. they don't orbit on the same plane and they orbit the Sun.

Stealth Moon?!?! GEEZE!!! It probably has
naturally occurring materials we just haven't seen before. We have seen that there are galaxies that collide. Who's to say something didn't happen in the distant past that caused this object to break free of what ever planet it was going around? Who's to say it isn't part of another planet from either this solar system or another that had been blown apart by an asteroid or an exploding sun and it found it's way to Saturn? Who's to say that the materials on that planet don't occur throughout the universe and we just haven't come across them yet? How many new elements have been added to the periodic table in the last 50 years? They don't understand something and it's automatically something that some race built or has a covert reason for being there. Some Scientists huh?

They say that the odd orbit is because someone placed it there after it was built. What?!?!

If someone were to build something like that:

1) Why would they park it so far from the Sun that it is unbelievably cold?

2) If you can build a Moon why not just terra-form a planet? Much easier to do especially in this solar system.

3) If you want to observe a planet wouldn't it make more sense to build a space station rather than a moon? Not to mention that if a race has that kind of technology to build a moon I'm sure they have sensors and probes to gather every bit of information they need about a planet or solar system without having to go to the extreams of building a moon.

4) Why build a moon when you have a perfectly good 3rd rock from the Sun?

5) What technologically advanced culture would put that kind of effort and material into building something that big and that advanced just to throw dirt on it and make it look like a rock?

6) Why would they park it so far from the planet and why Saturn of all planets?

7) If a race was so advanced that it could build something like that AND get it there don’t you think they would have the ability to keep it from getting hit by large objects and don’t you think it would still be functioning?

One site even compares the moon to the Death Star from Star Wars. Good grief!!!!!!! There are plenty of moons that have been shown to have craters on them that in the right profile would look like it too. I’ll bet that if we took a picture of the Earth and the big impact crater in South America and backed up “time” to remove all the erosion of the crater walls and then colored the picture so it was gray and removed the atmosphere it would look just like the Death Star too.

Come on. Get serious!! GET A LIFE!!

What's really out there.. Moon

What are people thinking? Do they really believe us landing on the Moon never really happened?

Come on .. Really... We didn't land on the Moon... Hmmm.. the soil and rock samples we have just magically appeared. We just willed them from the Moon to the Earth.

Hmmm.. We almost lost Apollo 13 ... but we weren't traveling to the Moon. Hmmm what about all the Saturn5 rockets that took off from Florida? Oh .. wait .. we didn't have people on them they were sitting in a movie studio pretending they were on the rocket and on the moon. Right… NOT!

What about the pictures floating around out there that show "glass towers" and "glass walls" of ancient structures... GIVE ME A BREAK! Lets break this down to something people can relate to. It may seem that I am digressing from the topic but you will see where this is going.

For those of you that are old enough to remember going to the movies and watching Flash Gordon (original black and white) or Godzilla movies or Abbott and Costello. Think back to those movies. Did you see the wires holding up the Flash Gordon's space ship? Probably not. Now look at the same movie on TV today do you see them now? Of course you do. Now lets move a little more recent. How many of you went to see Star Wars in the theater? Looked impressive didn't it? State of the art special effects audiences and critics alike raved about the movie and the cutting edge special effects. Now... Watch the same movie (not the re-mastered digitally enhanced version) See the little boxes around the Tie Fighters and X-Wing fighters? See the odd color around the Death Star? Why is that? Same movie.. Why didn't you see that when you saw it back in the 70's?

Here is why. Like everything else in this world film technology and video technology has advanced. The projectors at the theaters have gotten better. The cameras used to shoot the film has gotten better even the film has gotten better on the formulations. Back then the quality of the film was on par with the quality of the cameras and the quality of the projectors. Being that it was still a very novel and young industry the quality was the best it could be at the time. Now zip ahead to today... Video interlacing is MUCH better. The quality of the picture on you TV is much better than it was when TV's first came on the scene. Hell there are camera cell phones out there that probably have better quality than the computer monitor I am looking at right now. We have become accustomed to digitally enhanced, digitally mastered and digitally created movies, videos and a host of other things. We expect that what we see has been manipulated by a computer and enhanced or modified to make something that wasn't there, but was added by computer, to look like it really was there. Take a look at the recent Star Wars movies. Do you realize how much was not there and how much was added by computer? There are some scenes I think you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between computer generated and real.

So how does this relate to the topic at hand? We are so accustomed to things being clean and clear and perfect that little imperfections are caught right away. The quality of video is so much better, the quality of the recordings are so much better than what was being used in the 60's and 70's. So now we look at those pictures from the past and catch all the imperfections of the film, the cameras and the processing. Ten years from now we will look back at the movies of today and say "Wow.. that is so primitive. Look at all the edit lines and edges you can see around those CG characters".

So to sit there and say that there are all these "glass structures" on the Moon is ridiculous. We are seeing imperfections that back then couldn't be seen because of the quality of the medium and the viewing equipment. Not to mention these are cameras and film that are exposed to high doses of radiation, extreme temperatures and a host of other things. What you see in the pictures from the Moon is nothing more than imperfections in processing and film that are only visible due to the better quality monitors that we have today and pixel manipulation and picture quality loss when the original picture is digitized. If you were to take those same pictures and view them on the same equipment from the day and watch that Star Wars movie on the big screen using the same screens and projectors from that time period they would all look flawless.

Nothing on the Moon pictures shows anything but film, processing and equipment imperfections.

We did land on the Moon and there are NO ancient glass structures on the Moon... GET A LIFE!

What's really there... Chem Trails

Have you ever really listened to or read some of the things out there on the net about conspiracies? Some of the things are such hogwash.

ChemTrails... Who the hell ever thought of that one? Of course you are going to see "ChemTrails" with the number of planes that fly in the skies in the US. Every single one of them is burning fuel and the exhaust is going into the atmosphere. Now anyone who took Biology or Earth Science knows that the atmosphere varies in temperature at various altitudes. On top of that you can get temperature inversions.

For those of you that don't know or have forgotten -- Normally the warmer air is near the ground with cooler air above it. When you get an inversion the cold air slips under the warm air.

So with an atmosphere that is "fluid" and changing with various air currents at various altitudes the exhaust from the planes and even just the interaction of moist and dry air can create some really bizarre patterns in the sky.

SO... if the exhaust of the plane, which contains water, is heating the air around it you get the contrails and the contrails (moisture, CO2 and other bi-products of combustion engines) are influenced by the temperature of the air, air currents (both horizontal and vertical) and existing moisture content of the air you can expect to see rainbow effects and odd designs. Depending on the position of the sun you may even see shadows, which if a plane passed above the path of another the shadow could cause the other trail to look broken.

If you look at the websites that talk about the ChemTrails and look at all the reported sightings and photos you will notice the MAJORITY are near the ocean either on the east or west coasts. If you really pay attention you will notice they all occur near major airports (LAX, Miami) AND Military bases. HMMMMMM... Airports and Military bases... Hmmm MANY MORE AIRPLANES in the sky than in other parts of the country. Along with that if anyone knows about flying the planes have patterns they have to follow and those patterns will change depending on weather and winds. So seeing a variety of trails in various directions is not uncommon.

ChemTrails --- GET A LIFE!