Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Saturn Revisited

I was perusing a few photos on the internet and ran across some spectacular images of Saturn’s moon Phoebe. What struck me was the absolute clarity of the photos and the detail that can be seen. As I was looking at them I saw some things that were very odd.

The moon ISN’T round! It’s oblong in shape almost with a bulge on one side. How could a moon be shaped in such a way naturally? We all know that no matter how cratered a body is a moon is supposed to be round! There are very large and deep “craters” on this moon. By their position it’s obvious that they were the “exhaust” ports for some great driving engines to move the “moon”. There is a large chunk of the moon missing as well which some could say is why the moon is shaped as it is but even if you put the missing chunk back the moon is still oblong. (Take a look at Iapetus - very similar features)

Then I noticed in a series of photos that there are places on this “moon” that are virtually devoid of any craters at all! How could a “moon” that shows so many impact craters have places where there are none at all? How is it possible? Then as I looked closer at these devoid areas I saw them – ruined structures that could in no way be naturally occurring. They had to be made by someone or some being. Smack dab in the middle of the plains there they stood brilliant and shining. Structures also built on the floor of some of the craters on the fringe of this area had structures too! In some instances they are grouped together like a small city! How could these get here? How is it possible?

Then I dug deeper. Analyzing data that is readily available on the internet I found other oddities. Surface analysis shows water frost on the surface. How can this be? In order to support the frost on the surface there has to be an atmosphere otherwise the water frost will sublimate into space. Much like on Mars the atmosphere is thin enough that water will not remain on the surface as ice or liquid because it is sublimated into space. So one of two things has to be happening on the “moon.” Either there is a constant supply of water being pushed to the surface or the moon actually has an atmosphere that keeps the water frost on the surface.

Further analysis shows that there are unknown minerals or substances on the surface. How can this be? Through years and years of study we know what elements are out there and can look at the composition of virtually any body in space using a variety of tools from spectrographic studies, radio waves, infrared, lasers and a host of other things. We know there is Ferrous Iron, water frost and carbon dioxide. What? Carbon Dioxide AND water? How? There has to be life in some form on that moon or had been. Is it possible that in the depths of the moon there is still living beings? Or maybe the carbon dioxide is left over fuel or material that was used by the beings that brought it here. But this still doesn’t explain the unidentified material on the surface. How did they get there or better yet what are those materials?

The answer – Phoebe isn’t a moon. It was a habitat that was created by another race to travel to this small solar system. This race was escaping a catastrophe and they created this moon or modified a small body from their solar system and moved what they could of their race to this habitat. Then they targeted our solar system and launched it here. Over millennia they finally reached this solar system and found Mars. They left the “moon” in Saturn’s orbit and boarded ships bound for Mars. Once there their civilization thrived and over a few millennia Mars’ ecosystem began to fail due to a cataclysmic collision with the planet. Ironically enough the very “moon” that they road into the solar system with was struck and fractured. Part of the moon stayed in orbit around Saturn and the other found its way to Mars impacting on the planet. Once again the race was made to leave their home world and they moved on to Earth. Leaving technology behind they lived simple lives communing with nature and living off of what was around them.

Look at the pictures of Phoebe. It is quite evident what is going on there. Why isn’t any f this in the mainstream media? Why isn’t this investigated further? Why aren’t more studies being done to find out what the unidentified material is? Look at the pictures. The facts are there in plain sight. Check these links.

Admetus “crater” – engine port (very similar to the one on Iapetus)

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