What's really there... Chem Trails
Have you ever really listened to or read some of the things out there on the net about conspiracies? Some of the things are such hogwash.
ChemTrails... Who the hell ever thought of that one? Of course you are going to see "ChemTrails" with the number of planes that fly in the skies in the US. Every single one of them is burning fuel and the exhaust is going into the atmosphere. Now anyone who took Biology or Earth Science knows that the atmosphere varies in temperature at various altitudes. On top of that you can get temperature inversions.
For those of you that don't know or have forgotten -- Normally the warmer air is near the ground with cooler air above it. When you get an inversion the cold air slips under the warm air.
So with an atmosphere that is "fluid" and changing with various air currents at various altitudes the exhaust from the planes and even just the interaction of moist and dry air can create some really bizarre patterns in the sky.
SO... if the exhaust of the plane, which contains water, is heating the air around it you get the contrails and the contrails (moisture, CO2 and other bi-products of combustion engines) are influenced by the temperature of the air, air currents (both horizontal and vertical) and existing moisture content of the air you can expect to see rainbow effects and odd designs. Depending on the position of the sun you may even see shadows, which if a plane passed above the path of another the shadow could cause the other trail to look broken.
If you look at the websites that talk about the ChemTrails and look at all the reported sightings and photos you will notice the MAJORITY are near the ocean either on the east or west coasts. If you really pay attention you will notice they all occur near major airports (LAX, Miami) AND Military bases. HMMMMMM... Airports and Military bases... Hmmm MANY MORE AIRPLANES in the sky than in other parts of the country. Along with that if anyone knows about flying the planes have patterns they have to follow and those patterns will change depending on weather and winds. So seeing a variety of trails in various directions is not uncommon.
ChemTrails --- GET A LIFE!
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