Evolution Vs Creation
Hmmm.. where to start on this one...
I’m not a very religious person meaning I don't attend church or read the bible on a daily basis, although I have had several in depth conversations about the validity of Religion and similarities and differences between various religious groups, I am by no means an expert.
Here is how I look at religion and God. The bible tells us that we are not to worship idols or false gods. Then I ask this… Why in almost every Christian religion do we always see the cross with Jesus on it? Some say it is a reminder of what Jesus did for us. Ok then why is that quite often we see people praying to the cross or bowing before it? Why is there such a big deal about Mary? Isn’t Mary, for all intents and purpose, worshiped? How about praying to and worshiping various saints in the Catholic religion? Isn’t that against what the bible says? Why is it that we have to be told how to worship God and Jesus? Why do we have to be corralled into buildings sprouting crosses and dieses with a big old cross above it to listen to supposed “experts” that tell us how to find God and Jesus?
HELLO!!!!!! First off the bible was written by Man, which means it can by nature contain errors as Man is not perfect. I can hear it now – “God breathed the word into “Man” who put it to paper.” What?!?!? If God is so benevolent and powerful – after all he created the heavens and the earth and all the creatures and life on the planet, helped Moses part the Red Sea, made a bush burst into flames – Don’t you think he could have wrote it himself on paper and had it appear before the disciples? He supposedly had already done these other things and kept “speaking through” his followers don’t you think that if he really wanted to get his point across and didn’t want misinterpretation of his word he would have handed it to us and said “Here ya go! These are the rules this is why these things are. Follow them or be damned to hell.” Would make it much simpler don’t you think? Why rely on Man to foul up what he was trying to get across?
What about the Bible? The Bible today is NOT the original word of whomever. It is convoluted, changed, watered down and made to fit the various “Leaders” through time. Why do you think we have the King James version --- and I stress VERSION. Each King through time has been pretty much like most Christians in the world. They pick and choose what parts they want to follow and even take things out of context to suit their needs. The original writings that make up the Bible were stored away in clay pots to rot away. Those that have been found show that what is in the bible is not what the original documents said. What’s even sadder is that the Vatican continues to perpetuate the lie of what today’s bible says.
Frankly I look at it like this. How I look at God is between me and him (it, her, they). How I worship and communicate with God, if I choose to, is between us. I know the difference between right and wrong and how to live a good life that will supposedly get me to heaven if it really exists. I don’t need anyone to sit there and tell me this, that or the other thing of what I need to do.
Now lets bring up Evolution and I will tie everything together at the end.
Evolution supports the idea that species change based on environment, food supplies, competition, and a variety of other things. The controversy between Evolution and Creation is moot!! Evolution is a theory put out by a wanna-be scientist that had no real facts to support his claims. His theory is that animals will change based on the environment and things in their environment to support survival of the fittest. The problem with this is that any species that were to make these kinds of changes would have to make them at the genetic level and it would be traits that would be passed and show up in the offspring for thousands of years. What do you think it takes to make those kinds of changes? Do you think some bird sat there and said “Self… I want to have baby chicks with Susie over there and Jim over there has a red feather under his wing so this year I am going to have 4 under mine!” COME ON!!!! Get with the program. Do you really think a species can by shear will power change their GENETIC code to change themselves so they are more appealing or better equipped?
Evolution DOES NOT mean we came from the primordial ooze. Coming from primordial ooze is based on a convoluted version of evolution. For everything to come from the great Ooze is ludicrous. Look at the supposed tree of life and tell me how every plant, animal, bacteria and every other living thing could come from one source. Instant life they say.. all the elements in just the right proportion are hit by electric current and WHAM you have life… Yah RIGHT!
It comes down to this… Evolution vs. Creation… The Jury is still out. There is no proof on either side to conclusively say one or the other is correct. Does God exist? I believe there is the possibility of his existence. Did we come from the Great Ooze? I believe there is the possibility that we may have. Did we come from Aliens that were experimenting with creatures on this planet or they seeded the planet? I believe there is the possibility that it could have happened.
Like I said … The jury is still out. There is a lot that mankind does not know and understand and as such we ought not try to pretend we do. There are new discoveries in science and religion every day. New pieces of papyrus are being deciphered by scientists that shed light on the Bible and its writings. The world is ever changing and our quest for knowledge and understanding is never ending. Will there be an answer one day? Sure I think there will be. When? Who knows…. Depends on Science and God.
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