Richard C. Hoagland and NASA
Ok ... First he complains that NASA doesn't release information. Now he is complaining that they did release information and are being completely UPFRONT about what is going on with the Shuttle! Man you wouldn't be happy if the Aliens came and landed in your front yard, knocked on your front door and said "Hi! We are the ones you have been talking about and here are all the truths of the Universe!" He would probably find fault in even them!
Hoagland you really need to get a life.
Every mission that is flown into space, with or with out people, is done knowing that something can fail. We have been going into space for less than 50 years. What the hell do you expect? 50 YEARS!!!! Yes we have made some very impressive advancements in aerospace and orbital flight but really it’s in its infancy. This has been an amazing feat in it self that we even made it to space. Does everyone know that the shuttle fleet is aging and won’t last much longer? YES WE DO! Funding or not they are old spacecraft.
Mr. Hoagland… the car you drive is how old? And the car before that was how old? We change cars and they wear out far sooner than any one of the shuttles have. Everyone knows they are old and the tragedy two and half years ago kind of brought things closer to the public eye and NASA’s for that matter. You make it sound like they want people to die just so they can retire the shuttle fleet. Man you are sick.
They know the craft are old. They know better than anyone that there are problems with them because of age. I’m sure there isn’t a person at NASA that would like nothing more than to retire the fleet and have new birds to send up. The problem hasn’t been NASA. The problem has been CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT! Do you think that maybe if say 20 years ago they said “Ok NASA. The shuttle won’t last forever. Here is money go spend it on development of new birds,” that we wouldn’t be facing this now?
Let’s put blame where blame is due.
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