Saturday, April 30, 2005

Evolution Vs Creation

Hmmm.. where to start on this one...

I’m not a very religious person meaning I don't attend church or read the bible on a daily basis, although I have had several in depth conversations about the validity of Religion and similarities and differences between various religious groups, I am by no means an expert.

Here is how I look at religion and God. The bible tells us that we are not to worship idols or false gods. Then I ask this… Why in almost every Christian religion do we always see the cross with Jesus on it? Some say it is a reminder of what Jesus did for us. Ok then why is that quite often we see people praying to the cross or bowing before it? Why is there such a big deal about Mary? Isn’t Mary, for all intents and purpose, worshiped? How about praying to and worshiping various saints in the Catholic religion? Isn’t that against what the bible says? Why is it that we have to be told how to worship God and Jesus? Why do we have to be corralled into buildings sprouting crosses and dieses with a big old cross above it to listen to supposed “experts” that tell us how to find God and Jesus?

HELLO!!!!!! First off the bible was written by Man, which means it can by nature contain errors as Man is not perfect. I can hear it now – “God breathed the word into “Man” who put it to paper.” What?!?!? If God is so benevolent and powerful – after all he created the heavens and the earth and all the creatures and life on the planet, helped Moses part the Red Sea, made a bush burst into flames – Don’t you think he could have wrote it himself on paper and had it appear before the disciples? He supposedly had already done these other things and kept “speaking through” his followers don’t you think that if he really wanted to get his point across and didn’t want misinterpretation of his word he would have handed it to us and said “Here ya go! These are the rules this is why these things are. Follow them or be damned to hell.” Would make it much simpler don’t you think? Why rely on Man to foul up what he was trying to get across?

What about the Bible? The Bible today is NOT the original word of whomever. It is convoluted, changed, watered down and made to fit the various “Leaders” through time. Why do you think we have the King James version --- and I stress VERSION. Each King through time has been pretty much like most Christians in the world. They pick and choose what parts they want to follow and even take things out of context to suit their needs. The original writings that make up the Bible were stored away in clay pots to rot away. Those that have been found show that what is in the bible is not what the original documents said. What’s even sadder is that the Vatican continues to perpetuate the lie of what today’s bible says.

Frankly I look at it like this. How I look at God is between me and him (it, her, they). How I worship and communicate with God, if I choose to, is between us. I know the difference between right and wrong and how to live a good life that will supposedly get me to heaven if it really exists. I don’t need anyone to sit there and tell me this, that or the other thing of what I need to do.

Now lets bring up Evolution and I will tie everything together at the end.

Evolution supports the idea that species change based on environment, food supplies, competition, and a variety of other things. The controversy between Evolution and Creation is moot!! Evolution is a theory put out by a wanna-be scientist that had no real facts to support his claims. His theory is that animals will change based on the environment and things in their environment to support survival of the fittest. The problem with this is that any species that were to make these kinds of changes would have to make them at the genetic level and it would be traits that would be passed and show up in the offspring for thousands of years. What do you think it takes to make those kinds of changes? Do you think some bird sat there and said “Self… I want to have baby chicks with Susie over there and Jim over there has a red feather under his wing so this year I am going to have 4 under mine!” COME ON!!!! Get with the program. Do you really think a species can by shear will power change their GENETIC code to change themselves so they are more appealing or better equipped?

Evolution DOES NOT mean we came from the primordial ooze. Coming from primordial ooze is based on a convoluted version of evolution. For everything to come from the great Ooze is ludicrous. Look at the supposed tree of life and tell me how every plant, animal, bacteria and every other living thing could come from one source. Instant life they say.. all the elements in just the right proportion are hit by electric current and WHAM you have life… Yah RIGHT!

It comes down to this… Evolution vs. Creation… The Jury is still out. There is no proof on either side to conclusively say one or the other is correct. Does God exist? I believe there is the possibility of his existence. Did we come from the Great Ooze? I believe there is the possibility that we may have. Did we come from Aliens that were experimenting with creatures on this planet or they seeded the planet? I believe there is the possibility that it could have happened.

Like I said … The jury is still out. There is a lot that mankind does not know and understand and as such we ought not try to pretend we do. There are new discoveries in science and religion every day. New pieces of papyrus are being deciphered by scientists that shed light on the Bible and its writings. The world is ever changing and our quest for knowledge and understanding is never ending. Will there be an answer one day? Sure I think there will be. When? Who knows…. Depends on Science and God.

Friday, April 29, 2005

What's out there ... Saturn

What is all this crap about a moon that isn't really a moon? GIVE ME A BREAK!

Iapetus -- the strange little moon of Saturn that has this massive ridge going around the moon. Well some think it goes ALL the way around the moon. They also think the moon isn't round and actually has sides like it was a structure made by other beings. They say it actually has straight sides and is kind of like a geodesic dome. They say that some "calamity" caused the "empty" interior to collapse partially which is why the moon has the shape that it does and has that ridge. They say that the ridge was actually a seam of two halves or just part of the whole sub-structure. They say the straight edges and the material that it is made of was designed specifically to "hide" it from radar like stealth technology does for airplanes. They say it orbits on a different plane because someone put it there.

HEEELLLLOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! It's a freaking moon! It orbits Saturn on a different plane than the rest of the moons – BIG DEAL! It was probably something that was passing through the solar system and happened to get caught by Saturn’s gravity. Most likely it is or was made mostly of loose boulders of ice and dirt much like a number of other moons and there was an impact that caused the ridge. Just look at the moon and you see a number of large craters. Just to put a little perspective on impact forces --- Look what the comet did on Jupiter!!! On top of that with the "strange" orbit look at the plane of the planets. We have planets that don't orbit in the same plane. Jupiter has moons that are not in the same plane. Any planet that has more than one moon you can pretty much see they are not on the same plane. Look at comets.. they don't orbit on the same plane and they orbit the Sun.

Stealth Moon?!?! GEEZE!!! It probably has
naturally occurring materials we just haven't seen before. We have seen that there are galaxies that collide. Who's to say something didn't happen in the distant past that caused this object to break free of what ever planet it was going around? Who's to say it isn't part of another planet from either this solar system or another that had been blown apart by an asteroid or an exploding sun and it found it's way to Saturn? Who's to say that the materials on that planet don't occur throughout the universe and we just haven't come across them yet? How many new elements have been added to the periodic table in the last 50 years? They don't understand something and it's automatically something that some race built or has a covert reason for being there. Some Scientists huh?

They say that the odd orbit is because someone placed it there after it was built. What?!?!

If someone were to build something like that:

1) Why would they park it so far from the Sun that it is unbelievably cold?

2) If you can build a Moon why not just terra-form a planet? Much easier to do especially in this solar system.

3) If you want to observe a planet wouldn't it make more sense to build a space station rather than a moon? Not to mention that if a race has that kind of technology to build a moon I'm sure they have sensors and probes to gather every bit of information they need about a planet or solar system without having to go to the extreams of building a moon.

4) Why build a moon when you have a perfectly good 3rd rock from the Sun?

5) What technologically advanced culture would put that kind of effort and material into building something that big and that advanced just to throw dirt on it and make it look like a rock?

6) Why would they park it so far from the planet and why Saturn of all planets?

7) If a race was so advanced that it could build something like that AND get it there don’t you think they would have the ability to keep it from getting hit by large objects and don’t you think it would still be functioning?

One site even compares the moon to the Death Star from Star Wars. Good grief!!!!!!! There are plenty of moons that have been shown to have craters on them that in the right profile would look like it too. I’ll bet that if we took a picture of the Earth and the big impact crater in South America and backed up “time” to remove all the erosion of the crater walls and then colored the picture so it was gray and removed the atmosphere it would look just like the Death Star too.

Come on. Get serious!! GET A LIFE!!

What's really out there.. Moon

What are people thinking? Do they really believe us landing on the Moon never really happened?

Come on .. Really... We didn't land on the Moon... Hmmm.. the soil and rock samples we have just magically appeared. We just willed them from the Moon to the Earth.

Hmmm.. We almost lost Apollo 13 ... but we weren't traveling to the Moon. Hmmm what about all the Saturn5 rockets that took off from Florida? Oh .. wait .. we didn't have people on them they were sitting in a movie studio pretending they were on the rocket and on the moon. Right… NOT!

What about the pictures floating around out there that show "glass towers" and "glass walls" of ancient structures... GIVE ME A BREAK! Lets break this down to something people can relate to. It may seem that I am digressing from the topic but you will see where this is going.

For those of you that are old enough to remember going to the movies and watching Flash Gordon (original black and white) or Godzilla movies or Abbott and Costello. Think back to those movies. Did you see the wires holding up the Flash Gordon's space ship? Probably not. Now look at the same movie on TV today do you see them now? Of course you do. Now lets move a little more recent. How many of you went to see Star Wars in the theater? Looked impressive didn't it? State of the art special effects audiences and critics alike raved about the movie and the cutting edge special effects. Now... Watch the same movie (not the re-mastered digitally enhanced version) See the little boxes around the Tie Fighters and X-Wing fighters? See the odd color around the Death Star? Why is that? Same movie.. Why didn't you see that when you saw it back in the 70's?

Here is why. Like everything else in this world film technology and video technology has advanced. The projectors at the theaters have gotten better. The cameras used to shoot the film has gotten better even the film has gotten better on the formulations. Back then the quality of the film was on par with the quality of the cameras and the quality of the projectors. Being that it was still a very novel and young industry the quality was the best it could be at the time. Now zip ahead to today... Video interlacing is MUCH better. The quality of the picture on you TV is much better than it was when TV's first came on the scene. Hell there are camera cell phones out there that probably have better quality than the computer monitor I am looking at right now. We have become accustomed to digitally enhanced, digitally mastered and digitally created movies, videos and a host of other things. We expect that what we see has been manipulated by a computer and enhanced or modified to make something that wasn't there, but was added by computer, to look like it really was there. Take a look at the recent Star Wars movies. Do you realize how much was not there and how much was added by computer? There are some scenes I think you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between computer generated and real.

So how does this relate to the topic at hand? We are so accustomed to things being clean and clear and perfect that little imperfections are caught right away. The quality of video is so much better, the quality of the recordings are so much better than what was being used in the 60's and 70's. So now we look at those pictures from the past and catch all the imperfections of the film, the cameras and the processing. Ten years from now we will look back at the movies of today and say "Wow.. that is so primitive. Look at all the edit lines and edges you can see around those CG characters".

So to sit there and say that there are all these "glass structures" on the Moon is ridiculous. We are seeing imperfections that back then couldn't be seen because of the quality of the medium and the viewing equipment. Not to mention these are cameras and film that are exposed to high doses of radiation, extreme temperatures and a host of other things. What you see in the pictures from the Moon is nothing more than imperfections in processing and film that are only visible due to the better quality monitors that we have today and pixel manipulation and picture quality loss when the original picture is digitized. If you were to take those same pictures and view them on the same equipment from the day and watch that Star Wars movie on the big screen using the same screens and projectors from that time period they would all look flawless.

Nothing on the Moon pictures shows anything but film, processing and equipment imperfections.

We did land on the Moon and there are NO ancient glass structures on the Moon... GET A LIFE!

What's really there... Chem Trails

Have you ever really listened to or read some of the things out there on the net about conspiracies? Some of the things are such hogwash.

ChemTrails... Who the hell ever thought of that one? Of course you are going to see "ChemTrails" with the number of planes that fly in the skies in the US. Every single one of them is burning fuel and the exhaust is going into the atmosphere. Now anyone who took Biology or Earth Science knows that the atmosphere varies in temperature at various altitudes. On top of that you can get temperature inversions.

For those of you that don't know or have forgotten -- Normally the warmer air is near the ground with cooler air above it. When you get an inversion the cold air slips under the warm air.

So with an atmosphere that is "fluid" and changing with various air currents at various altitudes the exhaust from the planes and even just the interaction of moist and dry air can create some really bizarre patterns in the sky.

SO... if the exhaust of the plane, which contains water, is heating the air around it you get the contrails and the contrails (moisture, CO2 and other bi-products of combustion engines) are influenced by the temperature of the air, air currents (both horizontal and vertical) and existing moisture content of the air you can expect to see rainbow effects and odd designs. Depending on the position of the sun you may even see shadows, which if a plane passed above the path of another the shadow could cause the other trail to look broken.

If you look at the websites that talk about the ChemTrails and look at all the reported sightings and photos you will notice the MAJORITY are near the ocean either on the east or west coasts. If you really pay attention you will notice they all occur near major airports (LAX, Miami) AND Military bases. HMMMMMM... Airports and Military bases... Hmmm MANY MORE AIRPLANES in the sky than in other parts of the country. Along with that if anyone knows about flying the planes have patterns they have to follow and those patterns will change depending on weather and winds. So seeing a variety of trails in various directions is not uncommon.

ChemTrails --- GET A LIFE!