Illegal Immigrants – Political and Social Awe
I read an article a couple weeks ago regarding New Haven Connecticut and their plans to issue ID cards to illegal immigrants so they can open bank accounts. I was flabbergasted. So I did some more reading on the issue of illegal immigration and I became even more amazed at the stupidity of some of the stuff going on out there.
So let me get this straight. The Federal government (IRS) issues Tax ID numbers to illegal immigrants so they can pay taxes. In some states illegal immigrants have access to some welfare programs. Some politicians want to issue ID cards to illegal immigrants that are untraceable or will not identify these people as illegal so they can open bank accounts and have access to other services that they normally wouldn’t have access to.
Ok so let’s break this down a little shall we?
Tax IDs. – I can see the government’s point of view on this. They are in this country, albeit illegally, working and making money. They should pay taxes on those wages like everyone else and help pay for programs they are getting access to. Makes sense doesn’t it? I have to ask this though. How do they go about getting the tax ID? Have you ever tried getting a REPLACEMENT Social Security Card? You were born in this country, have been paying taxes for untold years, filing your tax returns just as you should, working 5+ days a week, got a driver’s license, bought a car, bought a house and do your civic duty and vote at every election. But to get a replacement SS card you have to do the following:
Complete Form SS-5
Show original documents or certified copies from the issuing agency: US citizenship or immigration status, Age and Identity.
Seems straightforward right? Here are the documents to prove your status: U.S. birth certificate, U.S. consular report of birth, U.S. passport, Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship. If you are not a U.S. citizen then you have to provide immigration documents.
It gets better. Immigration documents include Form I-551 (includes immigrant visa and unexpired foreign passport), I-94 w/unexpired foreign passport or work permit card from the Department of Homeland Security.
How about your age? Prove that with a birth certificate, but if you don’t have one you can prove it with your passport. If you don’t have either I guess you have to call to find out what proof you can provide.
And how do you prove your identity? Provide a U.S. driver’s license, state-issued non-driver ID card or U.S. passport. Other acceptable forms are Employee ID card, School ID card, Marriage document, Health insurance card, U.S. military ID, Adoption decree or life insurance policy.
Now go back and read through all that again and pay attention to what is listed there. With the exception of the immigration documents every other piece of documentation requires you to have a social security number already. Ok your birth certificate doesn’t require one unless you have to get a replacement one of those too. So to get a replacement you need all that stuff. How is it that illegal immigrants can get a tax ID number so easily?
Welfare programs – Ok when it comes to kids I have a soft heart so yes kids should have access to schools and welfare programs. No that doesn’t stop the abuse of the programs because even natural citizens abuse the system but hopefully the kids are being taken care of. However to access the programs you still need documents. I know in my early adult years I needed to rely on the welfare system for a few months. If I remember correctly I needed to show proof of who I was (social security card, photo id) and provide utility bills and phone bills and a lease. Never fear though the government has a card for you. There is a card that shows your name and number but is marked “Not Valid For Employment”. This is issued to people from other countries lawfully admitted to the U.S. without work authorization but with a valid reason to be here needing a SSN or who need a number because a federal law requiring a SSN to get a benefit or service.
Please note, “lawfully admitted”. This does not equate to illegal immigrant. I am sure there is some legalese in the bill so there is a loophole tied to that last part “…who need a number because federal law … to get a benefit or service”
ID Cards – So someone wants to issue ID cards so that illegal immigrants have access to things they wouldn’t normally have access to such as opening a bank account. When was the last time you tried to open a bank account? Didn’t they need three forms of ID, promissory of your first-born son and you little finger? And that is so THEY can hold on to YOUR money. Maybe we should be asking for their information? So with these ID cards, that would no way indicate they are illegal immigrants, it means they would pretty much have access to everything a legal immigrant or natural citizen would have?
It all boils down to this. They are illegal immigrants. They do not belong in this country. If they want to be here they need to go through proper channels to obtain citizenship. Instead of making things difficult for them so they go back to what ever country they came from, we continually make it easier and easier for them to have access to things. Why don’t we save billions of dollars every year and just make this country a free for all? Just open the borders, do away with citizenships and just let everyone in? Oh wait we already do that, it’s called the Mexican border. All anyone in the world needs to do is get to Mexico and they can walk across the border to this country. Coming from Canada isn’t so hard either.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not an isolationist. We can’t cut ourselves off from the world. This country would die if we did. What we can do is make it tougher on those that are here illegally. I have a co-worker that is here legally and every year he has to jump through hoops to stay in this country. He loves this country and is considering application for citizenship. In the mean time he has to work hard each year at some expense to stay here. Even then there is a limited amount of time he can stay here even with the yearly hoops. It’s sad that someone that follows the rules and does what they should to be here legally can be forced out of the country very easily while those that are here illegally have access to more services and can go about their business their whole lives without worry.
I don’t have the answers to the problem. Wish I did because I would be rich or the next President of the United States. I do know the things they are trying to do are not the answer.
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